Because~everyone should be able to afford comfort

Our passion is your family's comfort

Your Energy Partner In The Lehigh Valley Since 1997. 
BPI Certified Organization • BPI Certified Tradesmen 

Everyday People

Make Your Path Clear

The Project Probono mission is to continually build strong relationships and foster partnerships while championing energy conservation and sustainability in our community. 

We view each new day as a blessing, enabling us to make those meaningful, positive changes for everyone.

Empowering Homes With Energy Efficiency

Whether you're a homeowner aiming to enhance your home's comfort issues or reduce your energy bills, we're here to guide you.

Begin with a comprehensive energy audit—a small step that leads to significant savings and comfort.

We use advanced testing techniques and equipment to diagnose, recommend and install high quality insulation and weatherization

From pinpointing, recommendations to installations, we cover it all.

We'll discuss each treatment on-site and after simplifying the process to save energy.

No Subs, We Are family

Take the Next Step Toward a Comfortable, Energy-Efficient Home

Stronger Together

If you, your family or a friend have ever participated in the ppl, ugi or state WAP Weatherization programs since the mid 1990's chances are our paths have crossed.

Each of our participation and engagement in these programs contributed to the well-being of our community, and we share that common experience.

Today, regardless of your income, I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my insights and expertive with you.

I am looking forward to continuing our journey together!

Michael John Ohm

Lehigh Valley Home Performance Probono LLC-Empowering Homes With Energy Efficiency


  • Requesting a independent third-party consultation 
  • Need a home energy or envelope assessment
  • How can PPL and/or UGI Home  Energy Rebate programs help
  • A Project Quote

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